It is an astrology program for kids, teens and others who don't want to be bothered with the scientific and technical details that are inevitable to get into when one is serious about astrology.
By limiting the user input to the (birth) date only, ignoring time and location, users will be presented with generic descriptions of the concerned astrological sign. Exact positions of the celestial bodies are not taken into account, so the descriptions offered to users have little value.
The program has a nice, colourful user interface; and playing with the program can be entertaining for those who are not looking for in-depth analysis.
From the General View, the program offers five options: 1) Annual horoscope, 2) Numerology, 3) Match maker, 4) Zodiac (description of signs), and 5) More (associated Tree, Stone and Chinese moon sign). All the above-mentioned information is superficial and even though the program has a low cost, it is quite expensive for what it has to offer. It does make a nice gift for a child with great interest in astrology, though.